This week on Twitter we were asked if we cut kids hair. The answer… of course!
Getting your little one’s hair cut for the very first time could potentially be quite daunting to both a little person and Mum and Dad too! Having a stranger armed with scissors next to an unpredictable baby or toddler is enough to get any parent’s heart racing. However, it’s much better to get your kid’s tresses tended to by a professional. Hands up who’s Mum stuck a tupperwear bowl over their head as a nipper resulting in this type of ridiculous and cruel style:

With years and years of experience looking after clients of all ages, Voodou stylists come armed with expertise, experience and the patience required when trimming toddlers first locks.
Here’s Voodou Bold Street manager Vicky tending to the delicate tresses of 16 month old Jayden. This was his first haircut and he was well in need – he couldn’t see from under his long floppy fringe! Mum and Dad were on hand to assist and calm if needed but our little star here wasn’t phased at all and was very pleased to pose for the camera!