Voodou client Gemma writes about choosing Voodou and the Voodou Jnr service for her son’s very first haircut.
This blog post first appeared on www.storminakcup.com
Remember that hideous photo of me with scary fraggle hair looking like the love child of Charlie Dimmock and Mick Hucknall? Well it seems my poor kid is suffering the same fate as his mother and has grown some really bad hair.
This is what he looked like when he woke up the other morning last week:
One day he’s all Keith Lemon, another day he looks like a weird cat lady and on rare occasions he possesses some absolutely gorgeous cherub-esque curls. Sadly the latter is not that often and cherub curls take time, time I rarely have. Cherub curls require detangling lotion, a comb and lots of “Ow Mummee! Dah ‘urts!” from his adorable little almost 2 year old ‘Scouse mouth.
I’ve been dreading getting his hair cut for ages. I knew it was getting to the point where I needed to take the plunge and do it when he caught chickenpox and his long hair kept getting caught in the scabs all around his ears and face which didn’t help the healing process. I was still umming and aahing about cutting off my precious boy’s locks until in the space of a week he got mistaken for a girl about 7 times.
After a few days, he started announcing “Me a likkle girl Mummee!” and I knew he’d picked up on what people had been saying. So, we decided to take the plunge and get it cut. Relatives had suggested doing it ourselves with scissors but I haven’t got the foggiest idea about hairdressing and I had visions of me doing a Van Gogh as he tried to wriggle out of me cutting it. So, at the weekend we ventured to the Barbers branch of my trusty salon of choice – Voodou and put Blake in the capable and calm hands of Becci, a Voodou Jnr stylist who specialises in cutting children and teenagers hair.
Shaun and I were dreading this day. We were filled with fear on the approach to the Barbers branch of Voodou, Voodou for Him.
Shaun and I couldn’t believe how well behaved he was. The Elmo app on the iPhone helps keep him quiet but Becci is so calm and gentle that Blake didn’t really notice what was going on!
I thought I might cry, I was expecting to but when I saw the finished result I was so happy. My little angel still had his curls, in fact the cut made it even curlier, and I’m glad to report for those of you that know him personally, DON’T PANIC!!! He still looks like Keith Lemon.
Voodou Jnr is the new styling service for under 15s. For more information about Voodou Jnr services click here or book your little one in right now with Voodou’s online booking service.
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