You have been hand-picked as a Voodou Super Fan and the next step is to use the box at the bottom of the column to the left of this page “Become a Voodou Super Fan” and click the Connect Now button.
Any problems or questions please email [email protected]
Below is a little more information about Super-Fans
We are searching for the most loyal, most social and most connected Voodou Lovers.
You get 50% OFF all hairdressing from you favourite salon
We get a hand-picked team of Super Fans to help spread our message.
If you have masses of Facebook friends OR an army of Twitter followers AND you LOVE Voodou then you could be our guy or girl.
This is the email we send as a Super Fan invite and more details of how it works –
Your name has been passed to me by ???? at Voodou as a potential “Super Fan” – helping us spread our message as a Social Media Ambassador.
We are running a 3 month trial with a very select group of Super Fans – but we hope to continue the programme for many months and years to come.
The process is really easy and automated after the initial sign-up and is described below
But if you are ready to sign-up now just go to this page and look for the box “become an ambassador” at the right of the page.
For most people the network you will connect with is Facebook – but you can also use Twitter if you have many hundreds of followers
The process is quick, easy and painless !
Ambassadors –or Voodou Super-Fans
This is a programme to encourage a small group of very “well-connected” Voodou clients to help spread our promotional messages through their social networks.
The kind of people
We want people with large and active online social networks – Facebook and/or Twitter and ideally also seen as an authority/social leader. E.g. Students Union rep, club promoter, blogger etc.
What we want them to do
Once or twice a week we will ask them to “share” some new content we have posted to the Voodou Blog, our new website or our Facebook Page/Tabs. With a single click they accept our offer and the message from Voodou appears as a shared post from them on their networks.
The deal
We get new connections to new clients supported/promoted by these Super-Fans. They get 50% off all hairdressing.