How to book your next Voodou appointment online…
So, it’s 3am and you’ve just woken with a flash of hairdressing inspiration and you can’t get back to sleep until you’ve booked an appointment with your favourite expert Voodou stylist like RIGHT NOW!!! We are a generation of texters, emailers and tweeters (or should that be twits?!) and our Grandparents are moaning at us that we never want to talk anymore. Whilst we chatty bunch at Voodou will always be at the other end of the phone on 0151 708 4017 during normal salon opening hours, we realise that leading busy lives means this isn’t always convenient when you get that lightbulb moment and you want to book your next hairdressing appointment there and then.
So, lucky for you the Voodou tech god/geek/web wizard has waved his magic Salon Guru wand and created an online booking system for you. It’s so simple even your cyber-shy Nan could do it, however just incase you get a bit stuck check out our guide to booking your next appointment online:
Are you a Voodou Disciple?
*Ah-hem!* The answer to this question should of course be a big fat “Yes” however if you’ve slipped through the Disciples net then make sure you ask next time you’re in your fave Voodou salon to join the Disciples programme. Being a Voodou Disciple means you get loads of cool discounts as well as a lovely jubbly plastic Voodou Disciples card that comes in handy for getting back into locked out flats, scraping ice off your car windscreen and drawing uber-straight dramatic eyeliner flicks at the corners of your eyes. Seriously, all of the above are tried and tested methods of Disciple card use. Any more? Please let us know!
So, we digress. Apologies. So, see the bit on the page that says ‘Welcome to online booking for Voodou’ you’ll notice two boxes underneath. The left hand one says ‘Existing users sign in here’ which is where Disciples need to log in. Your Disciple number can be found on the top roght hand corner of your lovely jubbly plastic Voodou Disciples card and you need to make sure you input the email address you registered with us when you signed up to the Disciples programme.
If you are not a Voodou Disciple
Please fill in the right hand box and register for online booking. We ask you to fill in the following form:
The reason we ask you to do this is not so we can take your info and sell it onto one of those irritating PPI companies or be nosey and check out your house on Google maps, no this is so we know how far our lovely clients come from and also your email address is needed so we can send you confirmation of your appointment.
Once you’ve registered, an email confirming registration will be sent to you. You need to click on the link attached to complete your registration then log in with the details you just gave us.
Once you’ve logged in, you’ll see this screen. The drop down menu on the right selects the salon (so make sure you select the salon you want to visit) and also displays the opening hours of that salon so you know which days and times we’re open for your appointment.
Can you see where it says ‘New Booking’ in orange text with a + sign? You need to click that to start your booking process and you will be taken to the next screen which starts the 4 simple steps to booking your appointment:
So the 4 stages are :
1) Date and time
What day and time do you want your hair appointment? What times can you come? Please use the ‘earliest time’ and ‘latest time’ boxes underneath to let us know which times would be convenient for you.
Once you’ve made your selection hit the orange next button at the bottom right of the screen.
2) Services
Select the service you require from the left hand menu and then hit the orange arrow button in the middle between the two columns. Once you’re happy with your service selection hit the orange ‘Next’ button at the bottom right of the screen again.
3) Team Member
Which Voodou stylist can fit you in at the time you require? Just hit ‘click here to select a team member’ and the stylists who are free at your required time will show in a pop up like so:
Simply hit ‘select’ on the stylist you would like and then you’ll be taken to the final stage
4) Confirm
So here’s your final booking selection. If you like it and you can definitely make it then click the orange ‘Book Now’ button and an email confirmation will be pinged to you straight away with the booking confirmation.
Great innit?!
Book your next Voodou appointment online now. It’s quick, easy, convenient and you can even do it at 3am… in just your pants.
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