The Stylist’s at Voodou don’t often wear their Pj’s to work but when they heard about 6 year old Shea Given’s rare, untreatable brain disease they thought a sponsored jim-jam day would help to make his and his family’s life a little more bearable.
Voodou raised £314 for Shea’s family to spend cramming in as many memories for him before his illness takes his sight, hearing and ultimately, his life.
Stylists,Jamie and Sophie will also be doing a sponsored bungee jump to help raise money toward sending Shea to Disney World. If you would like to find out more about this please pop in to our Bold Street salon and ask about how you can help.
Shea’s best friend Amelia will also be doing her bit on the 17th of october and walking 7.5mile from sittingbourne to faversham to raise awareness of this devastating illness and hopefully raise lots of money for the charity whichs helps sufferes and there families !