Voodou Supports the Roy Castle Dream Walk..

 The Liverpool Dream Walk is back, bigger and better than ever






Whether you are walking in memory of a loved one or you are just going for a night out with the girls, get your rollers in, pyjamas on and join us at the Liverpool ladies only 9k Dream Walk. Last year the event had over 1,000 ladies taking part wearing rollers and onesies, and this year, Roy Castle are looking for even more ladies to take part and raise money for the charity. 

Date: Friday 24th May
Arrive: 8pm 
Walk Start: 10pm 
Venue: Echo Arena/BT Convention Centre
Reg Fee: £12

Starting at the famous Liverpool Arena & Convention Centre (Echo Arena), 3,000 ladies will be taking part in the walk to raise vital funds for Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation and have a great night with the girls. Voodou are helping to support this years event



This year, we hope to help the charity gain record numbers of women to join the walk and help to raise tens of thousands of pounds that will be used to help defeat lung cancer. 


Why our stylists support The Roy Castle Dream 

I started smoking when I was about 14, and got caught by my parents a year later. They were devastated and snapped all of my cigarettes in half! When I started I was smoking only a few cigarettes, until eventually I was buying a packet of 20 every day.

I used to visit my Nan and smoke with her, even though she always stressed how bad smoking was, and always nagged me to stop. When she died of lung cancer, it really made me want to quit smoking for good. It wasn’t just having a negative effect on my health but smoking was also making all of my clothes smell, and costing me so much money. Smoking really is the equivalent to just throwing your money away.

fanc n evo

Quitting was really hard to begin with because people around me would still be smoking. I kept thinking about how embarrassed I got when people told me that I stunk of smoke, and that kept me from starting again. I am putting the money I’m saving on cigarettes to good use, saving for car insurance for when I pass my driving test.

I support the Roy Castle Dream Walk, and I am doing it for my Nan who died of lung cancer, and for myself, for how hard it was to finally quit smoking.’  

– Francesa Alfonso, Bold Street Colour Specialist 




 ‘When work told me we were taking part in the Roy Castle Dream Walk I was so pleased! I wanted to take part because the charity is very close to me and I know how much it will mean to everyone that the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation have helped. I think it’s a wonderful idea to get the team from Voodou doing the walk in their rollers and onesies and we will be asking  all of our clients the week before the walk for any donations.

I absolutely love the theme, it so well suited to me and my personality! Onesies and rollers have got my name written all over them. This event is very close to the heart of Voodou and all of the staff and stylists.  I’m going to be doing the Dream Walk on behalf of the amazing Terry Woosey, who used to manage reception at Voodou for Him, and unfortunately passed away from lung cancer. I will be doing the walk for him.’

– Kerry Johnson, Bold Street Colour Specalist



With less than a month to go, our favourite charity bear Suzy popped into Voodou’s Bold Street Colour Specialist salon to get herself pampered and ready for the big event.


If you or anyone close to you has been affected by lung cancer and you would like to support the Roy Castle Dream Walk you can  also get involved by registering on the website www.roycastle.org/dreamwalk.

For further information about the walk please contact Emma at [email protected].